Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lo Art Bbs Italian Musical Terms-"Pur Di Cesti" And "Tu Lo Sai"?

Italian Musical terms-"Pur di cesti" and "Tu lo sai"? - lo art bbs

What do the terms "Pur di Cesti" and "Tu lo sai" means? They are used in the middle of the conditions of the vocal art class. I think the "Pur di Cesti" may "only"?


martox45 said...

Flirts of all the first sentence is misspelled.
Correct spelling is "dicesti Pure" and not "alone".
This is an old Italian (17th/18th century), who spoke in English "The last time I did." "Is the title of a song by Antonio Liotti
Here are the complete texts and English translation:

PUR dicesti
Dicesti Pure or Bella Bocca
What soave e caro sì,
Che fa il mio tutto piace.
Per onor di sua Facello
Un bacio t'aprì With Love
Fonte del Goder Dolce!

In the past, they said
Nice mouth, has finally spoken
that sweet, sweet "yes"
so is my joy.
In his honor
Love started with a kiss
Source of new or pleasure.

"Tu lo sai?" is in English "Do you know? and is the title of another piece of music by Giuseppe Torelli 1600 1700 and end earlier than the following text with English translation

Tu lo sai?
As Tu lo saior t'ame,
Tu lo sai, lo sai Crudel!
Io non Bramo altra Mercè
Remember Me, My My,
E poi sprezZ Infedele book.

Do You Know?
Now you know how I have loved you,
Well, you know, my cruel love!
The others did not want to love,
remembers that her former lover
bring the scorn of unbelievers.

Aphrodit... said...

These are the titles of popular Italian arias. There are words, but the song title.

lynndram... said...

Both lines open two old Italian arias of the 17th Century.
Pur di Cesti, only to leave thee (Cessar-to stop, stop)
Tu lo sai, you know (sapere, to know)
Standard Book Italian Aria, please.

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