Saturday, January 30, 2010

Best Inflammatory For A Cat My Cat Is Sick, Inflammatory Bowel Disease? Color Change In Fur? Help!?

My cat is sick, inflammatory bowel disease? Color change in fur? help!? - best inflammatory for a cat

Ok my cat is 11 years, has never been sick. He has had diarrea (also sucks, it can feel like 10 feet), was accidentally urinated on a chair, what happens, never. seems very tired. He is white, short hair of medium length, the color seems to change at random places .... gray. They do not know why. Take him to the vet tomorrow, but do not know what is wrong, I'm worried! Any tips?


mikentam... said...

could be the result of the pet food company recalls ......... want to visit from the FDA, and whether your diet is on the list.

catsover... said...

Oh, I hope this is not a problem w / the pet food. Please, please.

The first question that comes to mind was, "What color was the pee in your chair?" It may have an infection that causes high fever, diarrhea, those who can smell, etc., cause the night to keep an eye on him. Share You know for sure whether the emergency vet to stop just in case. Tye to water.

rob5279 said...

Is senile and dies. Sorry.

krazykhr... said...

You must see a veterinarian as soon as possible. It will run blood tests be sure to rent out. If you think you are too ill to wait until tomorrow - it is an emergency clinic now necessary. They are looking for things veterinarians in general, to determine whether your pet should be seen, your pet listless or lethargic? There was a change in appetite, urine or stool? Is your pet behave differently than usual? (no major recent changes in the family) your pet to lose weight? If they are longer than usual? The best rule is: Pets are not "off" days, that people - if your pet is probably sick, he is sick and needs to see to a vet. Good luck with your cat!

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