Thursday, January 14, 2010

Graves Disease Autoimmune What Is The Best Way To Counteract An Autoimmune Disease?

What is the best way to counteract an autoimmune disease? - graves disease autoimmune

I had Graves' disease, the autoimmune diseases, until my thyroid was removed. Now I think I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, also an autoimmune disease. Is it possible that I can build my body is not to attack itself? What would be the best diet and / or additions required to dispose of an autoimmune disease? My husband also has an autoimmune disease, we are both very interested in, you will find the answers. Thank you!


rdnek100... said...

My sister gave birth to my nephew with rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Drs told my nephew, he is almost cured or had died by 17 and that could very from your diet and lifestyle. My sister took him to a physical therapist (I do not know how to spell it, but it seems) who is an expert in vitamin A and minerals. He is now 14 years and the only problem seems to be the pain of osteoarthritis in the knees. He was sick once every 2 to 3 years and has never been seriously ill. My sisters seem to be arthritis in the fingers to their only problem, and is never sick, I do not remember any of the vitamins that my sister has, but they are working properly. If you want to mail me, I will ask my sister and let you know that have both vitamins. And drink lots of water! It is super important

Chocolate Chip Meringue said...

You know, the patient's autoimmune thyroid diseases of the thyroid gland Hashimoto May, at the attack by moving to stop enough thyroid hormone. ... Thus, one would think it would be something I could do to repel the attack, autoimmune diseases, that you and your husband

So I found a Google search of interest, and an article that states and EGCG in green tea protect against autoimmune disease. ... I recommend that you look and see what it is. I typed "how to prevent autoimmunity

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