Friday, February 12, 2010

Natural Cough Suppressant What's A Great Natural Cough Suppressant?

What's a great natural cough suppressant? - natural cough suppressant

Well, my father, give us a shot of Jack and suddenly full of honey .. It's better to burn all the errors and honey low ....... smooth


Jesus said...


monavyas... said...

Ground ginger, a little honey and a paste and calms the cough ... Another thing you can do is salt water (water gargle must be very hot) ... and another thing you can do is make a cup of hot water, 2 tablespoons of honey and press a little lemon, stir and drink ... Cough sure ... oh, and he is coughing, you can at your local tea shop to buy a lemon tea and honey to make ... You can also try the following links for home remedies and recipes

lucygoos... said...

Hot tea as warm and sweet (with sugar) as it.Mix Yu can resist a little honey if you do not like sugar. The work is too hard candy Altoids land use.

tiffani h said...

Honey ... You can also try hot tea with honey for tea ... I take the spoon ...

mark k said...

Warm water with a pinch of salt .... Glass as often as you can.

tebone03... said...

Hot tea with lemon and honey

mr.nasty thelickmaster said...


evanlah said...

My son used to do other resources that people on the list, but ... and it works. not long, and not real medicine, but it helps!

doenuttt... said...

Honey and lemon as well ..
Oranges and orange juice also works ..
Bul-Bul .. vinegar It's disgusting ...

windstar... said...

Well, Valerian, Lobelia cough and a greater - not only if you are a smoker! (Lobelia interacts with nicotine and you feel sick - is a deterrent, large smoking!) And coltsfoot are mullein, what we usually start with - you can find both in a store "natural foods. I'm in If you have any questions

chikadee said...

Pickle Juice! It really works!

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