Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sheleves Is Yugioh Getting Old?

Is yugioh getting old? - sheleves

I refer to CW does not show new episodes of Cartoon Network and has shown that in the morning, most products that are not sheleves much, so what that means, and not started after the second season GX on a lot of what HIPE


i_am_the... said...

The program is old. Basically, died after global objectives. The game is strong.

düdε said...

Do you know someone who plays yugioh watches on television. beyond the game, yugioh have already heard of the grave, more than 1000 players play. And these are just people who are invited to browse. and there are about 350,000 people who play yugioh in the United States, with the exception of Canada and around the world.

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