Monday, February 1, 2010

Types Of Diabetes More Condition_symptoms What Are The Types Of Diabetes?

What are the types of diabetes? - types of diabetes more condition_symptoms

Give me a description on how to receive all types of diabetes and how to be cautious. Diabetes is in our family, but I'm not familiar with the disease. I just know that means you have your blood sugar?


RIVERKID Roll Tide! said...


Type 1 (or juvenile onset), is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes when the pancreas produces no insulin at all

Type 2 diabetes can be controlled by medication, diet and exercise. This is inherited. -------------------------------------

The most common symptoms are:

Frequent thirst
frequent urination
blurred vision
Unexplained weight loss
Tingling in the fingers

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RIVERKID Roll Tide! said...


Type 1 (or juvenile onset), is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes when the pancreas produces no insulin at all

Type 2 diabetes can be controlled by medication, diet and exercise. This is inherited. -------------------------------------

The most common symptoms are:

Frequent thirst
frequent urination
blurred vision
Unexplained weight loss
Tingling in the fingers

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slvrhrn said...

"Producing Type 1: Results of the inability of the body, insulin. It is estimated that 5-10% of Americans with diabetes Type 1 diabetes is diagnosed. At present, almost all people with type 1 diabetes must inject insulin." The pancreas does not work after all.

"Type 2: Results of a state in which the body can not properly use insulin, combined with relative insulin deficiency. Most Americans diagnosed with diabetes type 2 diabetes." You can use this option if you are overweight and / or very poor health.

"Gestational diabetes. Pregnant women who have never been before, but diabetes, blood sugar (glucose) during pregnancy, gestational diabetes, they say. Gestational diabetes about 4% of all pregnant women suffer from type 2 in general." My mother from diabetes, was born as my brother, but he was diabetic.

"Pre-diabetes. As" the largest epidemics in the United States, "pre-diabetes is a disease that occurs when the blood of a personLevels are higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. From 2009 there are 57 million Americans who suffer from diabetes mellitus, in addition to the 23.6 million with diabetes. "

Normally do not trust wiki, but the comparison appears to have personal experiences in this article shall be aggregated.

Joshua C said...

There are 4 species;

Type-1. This is not necessarily a beginning in childhood. Mary Tyler Moore was diagnosed with 33rd It is an autoimmune disease where beta cells die and stop producing insulin.

Type 1.5. Type 1.5 is one of the names of several years, applied to people with diagnosed diabetes in adults, but not immediately require insulin treatment, are often overweight, with little or no insulin resistance. Perform special laboratory tests, we found the antibodies, including antibodies that attack their beta cells GAD65. This type of diabetes is also called the slow onset of Type 1 diabetes or latent autoimmune disease in adults or LADA *

Type-2. These are people with diabetes, where beta cells are not dead, but the body can not transport glucose and batteries use glucose properly. Finally, burn T2 pancreas, so hard work for them, and eventually insulin.

Gestational diabetes. Diabetes developed during pregnancy. Most women do not continue their delivery of diabetes. All GD'ers type of risk2 to 10 years after pregnancy. 5% of Type-2.

The term "pre-diabetes" is just for diabetics. Once the blood sugar begins steadily to an A1C of 6% or more will get made, is make it very difficult to reverse. We do not have control of the pancreas.

* Represents LADA latent autoimmune diabetes of adults. The term for the adult type-1.

LADA features include:

* The age of diagnosis in adults (usually over 25 years)
* The first presentation is not available disguised as non-obese Type 2 (diabetes, such as diabetic ketoacidosis)
* At first, it can be controlled with meal planning, with or without medication for diabetes
* The unit of insulin occurs gradually, often over months
* Positive antibody
* Low C-peptide
* Unlikely a family of type 2 diabetes

vyrqueno... said...

Type 1: Trouble Immunilogical, known as juvenile diabetes in the past. White blood cells kill the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas during the night. You do not have the ability to produce insulin. You do not receive or.

Type 2: insulin resistance. They all refined carbohydrates and eat, the pancreas tries to produce insulin. Solution: exercise and healthy diet.

Gestational diabetes (yes, he is third)
Sometimes occurs during pregnancy. End after the birth. You can continue if you are already at risk for type II

Insulin acts like a key for the (sugar in the gasoline) in the cells to burn energy. Type 1 without insulin, sugar accumulates in the blood, nowhere to go, causing the death by the flooding of the engine. Type-2-cells of the body to take the insulin receptor, the pancreas produces insulin additional overdrive, can not in cells quickly enough, and the end result may be the same.

gazeygoo said...

Diabetes is the inability of the body to use glucose (sugar) by the decrease or absence of insulin production. Type I or juvenile is what happens when the pancreas is damaged, either by illness or injury is closed, produce insulin, these patients are forever mellitus. Type 2 or adult is when the body does not use insulin properly (insulin resistance) and reduced insulin production, it is genetically determined and can be affected, obesity and nutrition through the family. These patients are not necessarily dependent on insulin. It is now believed that a virus attacked children with diabetes who have contracted for some reason the pancreas and causes diabetes.

Mad Mama said...

Type 1 - early childhood - an autoimmune disease. It is not reversible.

Type II - Adult - fat and lazy, and unhealthy diet. Usually reversible with diet and exercise.

The only reason why Type II diabetes is hereditary, because all the same bad eating habits and lazy media.

Mad Mama said...

Type 1 - early childhood - an autoimmune disease. It is not reversible.

Type II - Adult - fat and lazy, and unhealthy diet. Usually reversible with diet and exercise.

The only reason why Type II diabetes is hereditary, because all the same bad eating habits and lazy media.

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